Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lazy Sunday.

I'm being a bum today. Yesterday I spent the whole day and night in Manhattan with Jared, Jess and China. I'm not ready to back to work tomorrow. There's so many things I have to do this week. Including having to sit down with the guy at BMW again, I have to pick amy up from JFK on Wednesday, I have to drop Matt off at the train and pick him up all week. I really need a vacation and I don't have any days left until January. Blah. My little sister told me she wrote a paper about me for English. I have to wait until after it's graded to read it. I've always known that I'm an interesting person, but it's good to know other people think the same.. :). Off to watch Jerseylicious!!
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Monday, October 18, 2010


Rumspringa Hobo! My sister Lindsey came back to NY to visit last weekend. We had a blast while she was here. She bought me a pretty awesome watch and a nice heart shaped trinket box from Things Remembered. I met her god daughter Lilly, the cutest baby ever. After meeting Lilly, Matt’s words were “she is the best thing in my life!”.. my mom was hysterically laughing. We also had a fantastic time bar hopping in the Village from 1pm till 2am. Quotes from the night include “RUMSPRINGA!” and “It smells like I drove 70mph over road kill and then shit my pants.” It was definitely one of those days/nights that will be remembered for a very long time.

Oh, and I finally had a crepe from the Creperie. That place has been calling my names for years. I tried a nutella crepe, phenomenal. Lindsey opted for fudge. Creperie, I will be back.

Lastly, Matt’s on a trip with his company at some IT seminar/conference in Arizona. I am jealous. He told he has his own villa right on the golf course. It stinks he has to spend his birthday away though. Stinks even more that he’s turning