Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Who got da keys to ma bimma?

Who is the proud owner of a new BMW? Me. It's gorgeous. I love it. It does everything and smells good. I miss my old car though. I traded it in and totally forgot to take my CDs out of the player. Yea, not just one.. I had a in-dash 6 disc player. So yea, lost all 6 CDs. In other news, yeeeyyyyy for the 4 day weekend!!!!!
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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Word of the Day is....

Pee Wee. I kind of want to see the Broadway show.. I'm not going to even lie. I don't care of he's a perv. Pee Wee Herman shows were some of the earliest television that I can remember, and I loved it. I can't believe he was outside talking to people while on our way to PopTart World. Oh, P.S. Poptart rice crispy treats are awesome.
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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Gold Teeth

This past weekend was probably the least productive weekend ever. The 2 highlights of the weekend would be 1. Going to California Pizza Kitchen and 2. Buying new shampoo and conditioner. Don't be jealous. Halloween weekend was good though. Went to a party in Levittrash. Babes dressed up like McFly and I had started out as Black Dahlia, half way through the party my face started falling off so I had to change into Snooki.

to be continued...