Monday, January 11, 2010

hello 2010

So here we are, another year. A lot has happened since my last update. My trip to seoul and tokyo was awesome. I took tons of pics. I do have to say, tokyo is over rated, but no regrets. Brandon had a blast, I am glad cause I thought he'd be freaked out by the food..but he loved it. Maybe the next post will be all about my trip. Hrmm, what else? I've filled 4 hefty bags up of clothes to donate. I couldn't believe how much crap I had in the closet. This weekend was a jammed packed fun filled weekend. Friday had a nice dinner with the fam and matt. Saturday was girls night dinner and the movies. And sunday was a double date night at 300 with matt rick and courtney. And at work..blahhhh. Will update soon..tahtahhh.
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