Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Too windy for pictures!

So I've been following a show called Two Broke Girls. Basically it's about two broke girls in Brooklyn.. Williamsburg to be exact. It's amusing. In other news, this whole Occupy Wall Street thing is/has been out of control. Fecal matter and garbage is not going to accomplish anything, it's quite disgusting. This weekend I will begin my Christmas shopping. I say I am going to start early every year, but then I end up doing everything last minute. Not this year..not this year. I think were going to do the whole Black Friday thing too, mostly for entertainment purposes, watching humans turn in to animals. Okay, time to go...Until we meet again....

Saturday, October 29, 2011


long time no blog. Random sputter..ready.set.go.. Recently I took a trip to Seattle. I had a pleasant time. Brief lay over in CO, saw the Rocky Mountains...aka the real version of the front of a Coors light bottle. Not as impressive because the real version doesn't have a cold activated label. Went to the Pike Market, saw some hippies etc etc. Took a trip the Philly last weekend, saw some monsters. Right now its snowing, but wet. It's miserable. I haven't decided if I going to dress up for H-weenie yet. Doo-Doo is dressing up as McFly (send year in a row). Currently listening to Skrillex/La Roux Kill remix. Haley told me that I remind her of Kourtney Kardashian this week - she probably meant how I carry myself, but I'll take that. Kinda sad that my Dad is thinking about moving down to TX for a second time, but I support it if it makes him happy. I am thinking about moving out of this apt to another one, we shall see. Oh and I'm on a mission to find Berk a man so she doesn't end up an old bag with a bunch of cat's. Cats are gross and I'm allergic. I don't see why people want to own something that shits in a box in your house, then covers the shit with it's paws..then proceeds to jump on top of all your furniture with the same shitty paws. The End.
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Sunday, January 30, 2011


I am so over the snow. I have already missed 5 days of work this year. If it's not because of the snow, then it's me being sick. 2011 starting of just great. Oh, and ask me if my Xmas tree is still up. Awesome.
Note: All Jarred Up and Layered Cake Shop. Watching TV....
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