Saturday, October 29, 2011


long time no blog. Random sputter..ready.set.go.. Recently I took a trip to Seattle. I had a pleasant time. Brief lay over in CO, saw the Rocky Mountains...aka the real version of the front of a Coors light bottle. Not as impressive because the real version doesn't have a cold activated label. Went to the Pike Market, saw some hippies etc etc. Took a trip the Philly last weekend, saw some monsters. Right now its snowing, but wet. It's miserable. I haven't decided if I going to dress up for H-weenie yet. Doo-Doo is dressing up as McFly (send year in a row). Currently listening to Skrillex/La Roux Kill remix. Haley told me that I remind her of Kourtney Kardashian this week - she probably meant how I carry myself, but I'll take that. Kinda sad that my Dad is thinking about moving down to TX for a second time, but I support it if it makes him happy. I am thinking about moving out of this apt to another one, we shall see. Oh and I'm on a mission to find Berk a man so she doesn't end up an old bag with a bunch of cat's. Cats are gross and I'm allergic. I don't see why people want to own something that shits in a box in your house, then covers the shit with it's paws..then proceeds to jump on top of all your furniture with the same shitty paws. The End.
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