Sunday, February 5, 2012

Boats and Hoes

So right now I'm on the way back to NY from NC. Road trip with the rents and brother. It's nice spending this kind of time together. Wish Haley was on the trip with us. It was nice seeing my sister Lindsey, I love her so much. 24 years old and has her own little house..I'm so jelly. We did some shopping, some eating of mexican food, celebrating mom's birthday and other festivities. Though I don't think I could live in NC, so I'll just stick to my Manhattan sized apartment. The drive wouldn't be so bad if I didn't work all day Friday and right after drove down, got there at 5am Saturday and then left today (Sunday). Missing 2 parties for Superbowl, but its all good. I'd rather be here road tripping then pretending to be interested in some other biotches. Like this one girl I know went out and bought a few Giants shirts/jerseys and can't name a single person on the team. So sad. Speaking of people I know.. One of my biffles, Alex is moving to the Financial District from Los Angeles in the summer. That's exciting! Like old times. Too bad Andrea is going on her third baby so will be occupied to come join the fun. I can't believe it.. 3 kids!! God bless her. I should start really start to seriously think about that. Babe wants one and we aren't getting any younger. Hrmm maybe 2 more years? Scary..who wants to be in an apartment with a kid?! Which brings me back to the original topic..maybe we should consider NC!? ... Nah.