Saturday, July 14, 2012

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Boats and Hoes

So right now I'm on the way back to NY from NC. Road trip with the rents and brother. It's nice spending this kind of time together. Wish Haley was on the trip with us. It was nice seeing my sister Lindsey, I love her so much. 24 years old and has her own little house..I'm so jelly. We did some shopping, some eating of mexican food, celebrating mom's birthday and other festivities. Though I don't think I could live in NC, so I'll just stick to my Manhattan sized apartment. The drive wouldn't be so bad if I didn't work all day Friday and right after drove down, got there at 5am Saturday and then left today (Sunday). Missing 2 parties for Superbowl, but its all good. I'd rather be here road tripping then pretending to be interested in some other biotches. Like this one girl I know went out and bought a few Giants shirts/jerseys and can't name a single person on the team. So sad. Speaking of people I know.. One of my biffles, Alex is moving to the Financial District from Los Angeles in the summer. That's exciting! Like old times. Too bad Andrea is going on her third baby so will be occupied to come join the fun. I can't believe it.. 3 kids!! God bless her. I should start really start to seriously think about that. Babe wants one and we aren't getting any younger. Hrmm maybe 2 more years? Scary..who wants to be in an apartment with a kid?! Which brings me back to the original topic..maybe we should consider NC!? ... Nah.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Too windy for pictures!

So I've been following a show called Two Broke Girls. Basically it's about two broke girls in Brooklyn.. Williamsburg to be exact. It's amusing. In other news, this whole Occupy Wall Street thing is/has been out of control. Fecal matter and garbage is not going to accomplish anything, it's quite disgusting. This weekend I will begin my Christmas shopping. I say I am going to start early every year, but then I end up doing everything last minute. Not this year..not this year. I think were going to do the whole Black Friday thing too, mostly for entertainment purposes, watching humans turn in to animals. Okay, time to go...Until we meet again....

Saturday, October 29, 2011


long time no blog. Random sputter..ready.set.go.. Recently I took a trip to Seattle. I had a pleasant time. Brief lay over in CO, saw the Rocky Mountains...aka the real version of the front of a Coors light bottle. Not as impressive because the real version doesn't have a cold activated label. Went to the Pike Market, saw some hippies etc etc. Took a trip the Philly last weekend, saw some monsters. Right now its snowing, but wet. It's miserable. I haven't decided if I going to dress up for H-weenie yet. Doo-Doo is dressing up as McFly (send year in a row). Currently listening to Skrillex/La Roux Kill remix. Haley told me that I remind her of Kourtney Kardashian this week - she probably meant how I carry myself, but I'll take that. Kinda sad that my Dad is thinking about moving down to TX for a second time, but I support it if it makes him happy. I am thinking about moving out of this apt to another one, we shall see. Oh and I'm on a mission to find Berk a man so she doesn't end up an old bag with a bunch of cat's. Cats are gross and I'm allergic. I don't see why people want to own something that shits in a box in your house, then covers the shit with it's paws..then proceeds to jump on top of all your furniture with the same shitty paws. The End.
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Sunday, January 30, 2011


I am so over the snow. I have already missed 5 days of work this year. If it's not because of the snow, then it's me being sick. 2011 starting of just great. Oh, and ask me if my Xmas tree is still up. Awesome.
Note: All Jarred Up and Layered Cake Shop. Watching TV....
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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Happy Holidays!

December is here! My favorite time of year. The tree is going up this weekend (2 weeks late). This will be the first weekend I won't be doing things around Manhattan. We went to the Christmas Spectacular a couple weeks ago, I had never gone before. Then went to the tree lighting and Ellen's Stardust Diner last weekend. It's been freezing the last couple days. I swear the older I get the more the cold bothers me. I used to LOVE the cold.. But I'll take it over summer heat. I think 60 degrees is my favorite temperature. Tonight I cooked my own nutella crepes. FABULOUS. Babes says it's second to my cheesecake. More to come...

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Who got da keys to ma bimma?

Who is the proud owner of a new BMW? Me. It's gorgeous. I love it. It does everything and smells good. I miss my old car though. I traded it in and totally forgot to take my CDs out of the player. Yea, not just one.. I had a in-dash 6 disc player. So yea, lost all 6 CDs. In other news, yeeeyyyyy for the 4 day weekend!!!!!
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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Word of the Day is....

Pee Wee. I kind of want to see the Broadway show.. I'm not going to even lie. I don't care of he's a perv. Pee Wee Herman shows were some of the earliest television that I can remember, and I loved it. I can't believe he was outside talking to people while on our way to PopTart World. Oh, P.S. Poptart rice crispy treats are awesome.
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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Gold Teeth

This past weekend was probably the least productive weekend ever. The 2 highlights of the weekend would be 1. Going to California Pizza Kitchen and 2. Buying new shampoo and conditioner. Don't be jealous. Halloween weekend was good though. Went to a party in Levittrash. Babes dressed up like McFly and I had started out as Black Dahlia, half way through the party my face started falling off so I had to change into Snooki.

to be continued...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lazy Sunday.

I'm being a bum today. Yesterday I spent the whole day and night in Manhattan with Jared, Jess and China. I'm not ready to back to work tomorrow. There's so many things I have to do this week. Including having to sit down with the guy at BMW again, I have to pick amy up from JFK on Wednesday, I have to drop Matt off at the train and pick him up all week. I really need a vacation and I don't have any days left until January. Blah. My little sister told me she wrote a paper about me for English. I have to wait until after it's graded to read it. I've always known that I'm an interesting person, but it's good to know other people think the same.. :). Off to watch Jerseylicious!!
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