Thursday, April 26, 2007


This past weekend babes, me, CJ, and Rick went to the Mets game. They were good seats and the tickets were free. It was fun even though they lost, whatever I'm a Yankees fan anyways. I went on another interview in New Rochelle yesterday. It went alright, but don't think I'll get it. However the other place I interviewed for called me a little while ago and wanted to know if I was interested. So we will see. Work has been boring and it's bare. I watched Tourists last night, it was okay. No P.T. today. Tomorrow babes and I are going out to dinner with my mom and dad. Cheryl found out she's having a baby. Today has been so slow, we've been looking up pics of parasitic twins and taking pics. Almost time to go home. yey.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Hello Friday.

So I finally set up my blogger so that I can post directly from my sk3.
Today is the nicest day we have had in a while. Yet I can't think of
anything to do but sleep. I have been so tired lately.. Tired isn't even
the word. Anyways I have another interview set up [p.s. The last one was
a waste of time and energy] but I don't know if I should even go, it's
not that far from home but over the bridge and I really don't feel like
tolls ever day is good...and I can't get there by train so I think New
Rochelle is out. We'll see how I feel about it after this weekend. Ugly
Betty was good last night. Daniel is a whore. No big plans that I know
of yet for this weekend. Hopefully babes can get off work for a
A.C. I just tried a new flavor made by Snapple called Pomegranate tastes like liquid candy in a bottle. Okay well... I must
go back to doing what I was doing... ciao lovers and haters.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Orbit Orange

So this weekend was alright. Didn't do Philly, but alright. Friday night was boring bed at 9pm. Saturday was alright, we got a new filter and food for the tank. We came home noticed there was no parking on the block, came into the house an noticed LOTS of people.. apparently a party. Later that night I went to dinner with Matt's friends' Rick, Nelly and some other kid, it was good. Babes stayed at the party though. Sunday came and we were supposed to go to the car show, it was the last day. However, the rain that came on Sunday was unreal, so we went and saw "Meet the Robinson's" in 3D. It was cute. Last night I was exhausted I drove and picked up babes from class. I got phone call from the BIO mom. I should be going to Korea sometime in the month and a half. What an experience. Tonight's Poker Night.. UGH.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

April O'Neil

So this morning I convinced myself that I didn't need to go to work. I was planning on staying home and cleaning. I called Laura and she said to come in. I was an hour late. The weather is terrible, so cold and rainy. It's a perfect day to stay under the covers and watch lame movies that I normally wouldn't watch. Any who, maybe its good I came into work. I found out they extended our closing for a tiny bit. That means more severance for me. I'm almost done with all my work and its only 1:15. I have P.T. after work. I can't wait to get home. I'm bored out of my mind plus Michelangelo is threatening suicide with a razorblade if we don't leave soon...

Monday, April 9, 2007

And They're Off....

So this weekend went by pretty fast. Friday at work there were a lot of laughs, to sum it up it was "a bee hive of productivity". Friday night came along, it was a flash back to my high school days of getting drunk and hanging in friends' basements. Saturday came, we went to the track, won some dingo, but didn't break even. Then had a nice Italian dinner and went to bed at 8pm. We didn’t wake up until 10am the following morning, bypassing the plans we were supposed to have with Rick and Nelly. Sunday came Easter day, watched a movie with babes.. “Slums of Beverly Hills". Then went our separate ways b/c the families were having dinner at the same time. Next weekend we are going to Philly again. I'm so excited!!! I posted some random pics, nothing exciting. Ciao lovers and trash gorillas.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Who picks yellow??? gross.

So yesterday I decided to leave work at 1pm. Babes came home early too. He made the bestest dinner yesterday. We bought dough from the pizzeria and he made a homemade chicken parm pizza. I made salad skewers from fresh mozzarella balls, cucumbers, grape tomatoes and salam. I have PT today. I'm tired. I sitting here waiting for a fax to come freakin transcripts from college. I've never been to an interview where someone asks for those..first time for everything I guess. Thank goodness I'm smart. School is cool folks.

Monday, April 2, 2007

uh-oh say ki oh

so saturday night was a bust... we fell asleep and never woke up... i woke up around 5am to missed calls and text messages. I am an asshole, I felt bad. yesterday babes and I went to Off The Wagon for pitchers. Posted some random pics. I'm so thirsty. My screensaver for work is awesome. My screen fills up with water and fishys swim around. How Cute.