Friday, April 20, 2007

Hello Friday.

So I finally set up my blogger so that I can post directly from my sk3.
Today is the nicest day we have had in a while. Yet I can't think of
anything to do but sleep. I have been so tired lately.. Tired isn't even
the word. Anyways I have another interview set up [p.s. The last one was
a waste of time and energy] but I don't know if I should even go, it's
not that far from home but over the bridge and I really don't feel like
tolls ever day is good...and I can't get there by train so I think New
Rochelle is out. We'll see how I feel about it after this weekend. Ugly
Betty was good last night. Daniel is a whore. No big plans that I know
of yet for this weekend. Hopefully babes can get off work for a
A.C. I just tried a new flavor made by Snapple called Pomegranate tastes like liquid candy in a bottle. Okay well... I must
go back to doing what I was doing... ciao lovers and haters.