Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Orbit Orange

So this weekend was alright. Didn't do Philly, but alright. Friday night was boring bed at 9pm. Saturday was alright, we got a new filter and food for the tank. We came home noticed there was no parking on the block, came into the house an noticed LOTS of people.. apparently a party. Later that night I went to dinner with Matt's friends' Rick, Nelly and some other kid, it was good. Babes stayed at the party though. Sunday came and we were supposed to go to the car show, it was the last day. However, the rain that came on Sunday was unreal, so we went and saw "Meet the Robinson's" in 3D. It was cute. Last night I was exhausted I drove and picked up babes from class. I got phone call from the BIO mom. I should be going to Korea sometime in the month and a half. What an experience. Tonight's Poker Night.. UGH.