Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Well, Hi There!

Hello to all my fans. So it's been a while. There's too much that has gone on to fill in the whole gap..but I will try. Atlantic City was okay, figured out black jack and babes won some dingos. The new job is going alright, it's a lot more work than I ever expected..the days are long and I never seem to be rested enough. Doing everything from normal everyday work paperwork, orders, clients, problem solving and spread sheets...and juggling projects in between, like trying to figure out planning a catered lunch for 150 people (which turned out great) and trying to file a lawsuit and gather all the information so we can sue some guy. It's like I should have personal assistant attached to my job descripton as well. Thank God for my to-go crappy Starbucks....

...and my sidekick so I can take stupid pics like these a work. Music makes the day go by a lot faster..I jigger-rigged my radio at the office b/c the antenna broke pathetic is this...

My sister's b-day was last week, I bought her a pretty little gift. Two weekends ago Jill had her engagement party, it was wonderful. This past weekend was Memorial Day weekend, there was a big party held. It was okay, not as fun as I thought it would be...but I had some laughs. I posted a shit load of pics on photobucket (and deleted a shit load as well). Earlier that day I was forced to get a trim so I visited Amy.

...she ended up coming to the party too. Anywho, I've been apartment searching.. ready to leave this frat house. Besides beer pong that's played in the living room, and a poker table in the dining room...I think the "keg-orater" has just pushed me over the edge. To sum it up, I live in a 20 year old guys ultimate dream house. Oh, where to live, where to live. Oh! I almost forgot to mention the new game that's been going on here, BAGS! Anywho, I'm tired of writing so I'm out. Bye.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

The Used

So I'm really excited for the new Used album coming out at the end of
this month. I believe Atreyu is coming out with one this summer too. I'm
laying in bed because I'm too lazy to get the laptop. I'm watching the
Discovery Health channel (what else is new). The show that is on is
called "Super Obese", some of these things they are showing are quite
disturbing. Any I did some shopping. I bought 2 cute shirts
and 2 pairs of high heel pumps...not any pumps... Biviel pumps. They are
the cutest ever... I had to get both colors.

I'm exhasted to its bed
time!! Ciao!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Ragu is NOT sauce.

So I finally got my laptop..Yeeey! Today was long, I had so much paperwork to go through the stack on my desk is what I have left... for my second day I had a lot of information to absorb.

So apparently all the geese that chill outside the office had babies sometime today. They just chill there all day long. I counted 9 today. Other than the poop they leave everywhere, it's kinda cool. You can go right up to them, I guess it's kinda like NYC pigeons, nothing phases them (unless you get close to the babies..then they freak).

Anyways, babes is at school...and I'm debating on what we're gonna have for dinner so CIAO!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


So A.C. was good. Loved the board walk. I posted pics. We ate at the Rainforest Cafe. I used to go to the one in Westbury all the time before they closed down. I love staying at the Tropicana, it's so pretty. Today I started my new job, it was interesting. My desk is nicer than my old one, but I miss my old job. Tech Admin to VP's Assistant for Electro.. lots more responsibility, but I can handle it...hopefully. After my new job I went to dinner with some of my old co-workers. We had some laughs. Tomorrow I'm gonna get my new laptop...I'm excited. Babes bought me pretty flowers for my first day of work. He bought all this food to make a wonderful celebration dinner too..I ruined it by eating out with co-workers, I didnt know that he was secretly planning dinner. It's the thought that counted. He is the best and makes me feel like everything is gonna be alright. Cuddle time.. night night!

Friday, May 4, 2007

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen

So this will be the last entry written from work. They are going to take my computer and wipe it out/sell it, its the last one here. Though I am moving to bigger and better things, it still makes me a little sad. I have met so many people in the years I have been here. I have had so many memories..and been through many life changes/experiences while working here. There were times I thought I'd never say it...but I'm gonna miss this place.

p.s. were going to Atlantic City tonight, staying at the Tropicana (havana tower)which I'm excited about. it's so pretty there. Maybe I'll get to used my hot new camera...Sony T10, what a beauty.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

holy balloons

so today at work was long. all i did was blow up balloons in the office... this was only half way done...

I also ordered a huge Edible Arrangement basket for Carol and Eve. Hopefully they will like it. I have an appointment at 5pm today, I will give it to them then.

I have clothes shopping to do for my new job I start next week. So many new things going on...