Tuesday, May 8, 2007


So A.C. was good. Loved the board walk. I posted pics. We ate at the Rainforest Cafe. I used to go to the one in Westbury all the time before they closed down. I love staying at the Tropicana, it's so pretty. Today I started my new job, it was interesting. My desk is nicer than my old one, but I miss my old job. Tech Admin to VP's Assistant for Electro.. lots more responsibility, but I can handle it...hopefully. After my new job I went to dinner with some of my old co-workers. We had some laughs. Tomorrow I'm gonna get my new laptop...I'm excited. Babes bought me pretty flowers for my first day of work. He bought all this food to make a wonderful celebration dinner too..I ruined it by eating out with co-workers, I didnt know that he was secretly planning dinner. It's the thought that counted. He is the best and makes me feel like everything is gonna be alright. Cuddle time.. night night!