Thursday, August 28, 2008

Silly Poppy

On another note, Poppy is 87 years old and went through a valve replacement last week. It was very scary. He came through it alright, a lot of pain..but we have to take it one day at a time. I've been to the hospital every day for the past 8 days. Paying for parking has been do they do this to people? Any who, He's been cracking jokes left and right, such a trooper. He's the worlds greatest grandfather. Stinks that he can't do his gardening for 8 weeks. I've watered for him a couple times cause I know he'd be upset to go home to a dead garden after all his hard work. He's supposed to be going to FL in November. We will see how everything's going by that time. I know he's itching to take another trip to the Dominican Republic.. he said unfortunately he won't be able to wear his bikini anymore since he has a scar on his chest. I told him that it shouldn't be a problem, I hear scars are "in" now a days. (silly man.)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Double Bonus Jonas

So little sister Haley had the best day of her life a few weeks ago. Joel is no longer the tour manager for OAR or The Fray.. now its the Jonas Brothers. So of course Haley was hooked up with all access. she hung out with them and their family. Haley freaked when Avril Levine said she dug her bracelet b/c she was rockin the same one. After hanging out with them a couple hours before the concert, wiffle ball, food etc.. she watched from the side of the stage. I was really happy she had a lot of fun. Brandon has yet to upload all her pics. I believe Joels hooking her up again early Sept. If only Joel could manage a band that I liked... :) Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Holy Fast Forward.

This has to be the longest blog break ever. So much has happened since the last time I wrote. I finally went to Korea, it was awesome. Traveling is amazing. No more Bayside! it's so nice to live in peace and quite and not feel like im living in a frat house where beer pong is played in the loving room and theres a kegorater in the dining room. Now residing in Massapequa Shores, it's nice to back. The beach is down the block and everything we need is close. I found out I'm going to be an aunt 2 days ago...weird. We'll see, i'm still kind of thrown back from the news. I had a wisdom pulled last week, 2 more to go. oh, i can't wait. i guess im too much of a wimp to get them all done the same i do one by one whoch really just stresses the pain out longer, but whatever. I'm watching PBS about mexican gangs..3 words.. dirty fucking losers.