Thursday, August 28, 2008

Silly Poppy

On another note, Poppy is 87 years old and went through a valve replacement last week. It was very scary. He came through it alright, a lot of pain..but we have to take it one day at a time. I've been to the hospital every day for the past 8 days. Paying for parking has been do they do this to people? Any who, He's been cracking jokes left and right, such a trooper. He's the worlds greatest grandfather. Stinks that he can't do his gardening for 8 weeks. I've watered for him a couple times cause I know he'd be upset to go home to a dead garden after all his hard work. He's supposed to be going to FL in November. We will see how everything's going by that time. I know he's itching to take another trip to the Dominican Republic.. he said unfortunately he won't be able to wear his bikini anymore since he has a scar on his chest. I told him that it shouldn't be a problem, I hear scars are "in" now a days. (silly man.)