Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Holy Fast Forward.

This has to be the longest blog break ever. So much has happened since the last time I wrote. I finally went to Korea, it was awesome. Traveling is amazing. No more Bayside! it's so nice to live in peace and quite and not feel like im living in a frat house where beer pong is played in the loving room and theres a kegorater in the dining room. Now residing in Massapequa Shores, it's nice to back. The beach is down the block and everything we need is close. I found out I'm going to be an aunt 2 days ago...weird. We'll see, i'm still kind of thrown back from the news. I had a wisdom pulled last week, 2 more to go. oh, i can't wait. i guess im too much of a wimp to get them all done the same time..so i do one by one whoch really just stresses the pain out longer, but whatever. I'm watching PBS about mexican gangs..3 words.. dirty fucking losers.