Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Forks

Okay so Pops supposed to be getting out of the hospital on the 30th, hes been there for over a month. I can't imagine what it's been like. I'm sure he's excited.
In other news, I had a pretty bad birthday..but I won't get into that. At least it ended with a nice fillet mignon dinner and a winning $2.00 scratch off.
I also started reading the Twilight series, thanks to the people at work for the gift certificate to the book store. I finished Twilight and New Moon already. I am going to start Eclipse tonight..then after, Breaking Dawn. The books are 500-600 pages each, but I've been flying through(probably because they are meant for young adults "young adults".). I'm not one to be into vampires at all, I'm not one of those weirdos...but the books are great. We'll have to see if the movie for the first book of the series Twilight is anything like it, I believe it comes out in November.