Friday, December 5, 2008

Is it that time of the year?

Thanksgiving was good this year, I didnt leave the house was a much better feeling not rolling out of the house. Christmas is coming up soon. I put the tree up, it is gorgeous. We have some new additions to our family.. reese, sir issac, sly junior and TBD. I did some of my xmas shopping. Of course Matt had to start shaking some of his things under the tree like a little kid trying to guess what things were. I should have known better than to put them under the tree so soon. I finally caved after his relentlase guessing games and let him open the Wii. (since we regretfully sold ours last year, plus i kinda wanted to play it). So christmas day is not going to be AS exciting for him since he opened the main present. We picked up rock band world tour yesterday..I rock at singing. The christmas party is on the 16th, hopefully it is fun. Hoprfully there will be another xmas bonus at work and a fabulous gift basket.