Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ello 0-9

I know its a little late to recap on the 08.
1. I had my first car accident
2. Sabie entered the world
3. My sister Lindsey moved to NC with her b/f :o(
4. I finally became an Auntie, Jangmi had her baby
5. I had a taste of Tokyo and visited S. Korea
6. Poppie successfully under went open heart surgery
7. I finally experienced the terror behind walls
8. Babes and I finally moved out of the "Frat House"!
..and in other news,
In 0-8 a new president and Britney Spears seems to have cleaned up her act.

What to expect in 2009?
1. Keeping up with the eating healthy
2. keeping up with being as green as I can. "GO GREEN!"
3. Getting back into the routine of the gym
4. Andrea is having Hailey
5. A trip outside the US
6. Perhaps TX, NC, and CA too
and I'm sure, much more.
yea..that sounds good. Staying healthy and traveling in the 09.