Thursday, March 5, 2009

Don't smile at me.

At work. About to vomit all over my desk. My desk is in close proximity to the break room. Someone tell me why someone would be microwaving fish at 10:30am?? SCRATCH THAT, why would you bring fish to work and microwave it to begin with?? This is not the first time either, Katie and I are constantly spraying air fresher around 10:30 everyday and sometimes in the break room while people are microwaving their stink. GET A CLUE! and why is it that i have one of the biggest offices but i don't have a door?? it's beyond me. Sooo living life. We went to starland about 2 weeks ago to see E-town. I love them, great show. I miss going to shows. However, it was sooo loud..i wish i had ear plugs to tone it down..does this mean I'm getting old? Anyways, i was sick for almost a whole week, got over it.. now my throat hurts..uuuuugh. I guess that's not really worth complaining about. I found out a couple a weeks ago my new born niece is very sick and she will never get any better. It's very sad. I'm sure it was caused because she was so premature. I need to take a trip to TX to see her.

In happier news, Hailey is here. Finally, after numerous texts of false alarms. I'm so happy for Andrea. She's adorable. Andrea's the first one of my biffles to have a kid...and so it begins.

So this weekend we are going with a bunch of people to see The Watchmen in Imax and then dinner after. Not to be Debbie Downer, but I really do not have any desire to see the movie. We are going up to New Rochelle to see it, so it'll be fun to take the trip. It's a cute development they have up there. Rick's B-day is tomorrow, I thought were were doing Altlantic City for it, but I guess not. We should all go soon though before they start charging summer rates of like $400 dollars a room. I really need to keep up with my journal, it's so bad. Last post was in January lets see if I can update on any of those things:
What to expect in 2009?
1. Keeping up with the eating healthy - doing very well, so far lost over 6% of total body weight. EXCELLENT!
2. keeping up with being as green as I can. "GO GREEN!" -i've been using all scrap paper for notes and my green bag for snacks, i need to work harder on it.
3. Getting back into the routine of the gym -i started going to the gym BEFORE work everyday, untill i got sick. will start again on monday.
4. Andrea is having Hailey - HAPPENED
5. A trip outside the US - not yet
6. Perhaps TX, NC, and CA too - TX is look like end of this month/early next month.
Not too bad so far, the 2nd month of the year just ended. I need to get a move on the traveling stuff now. The extra $3,000.00 I got back for my federal tax return should help towards traveling expensives.

"I figure life's a gift and I don't intend on wasting it. You don't know what hand you're gonna get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you... to make each day count."

UPDATE: We will be off to Atlantic City to stay at the wonderful Tropicana tonight after work. Then New Rochelle tomorrow.