Saturday, July 12, 2003


Hung with allie and chris and then i went home..jumped in the shower and then got an invite to matts. went out there..came home a little after six got up at 730 for werk. yuuup. im feelin crazy right now.. like i cant even think right. its like im sleeping cept so much stuff goin on in my head. u kno what i need to stop doing? Pretending to care so much about stuff i dont care about. i think i do it cause its funny to me, like i love to play that role. I dont kno. its not really funny.. i guess what i do can be kinda hurtful to people some times. but i think passed people have made me feel like i have to do the things i do..or say the things i say. maybe its like a state of mind i put myself into...just to laugh it off in the end so im not hurt? maybe? yea maybe. who knos..who cares? apperently not me and not u either. gotta go peace out. fuck the heartless. heartless like me.