Tuesday, December 5, 2006

It's about that time.

Every couple years I change my journal out of boredom. LJ, then GJ, now my Gmail account has convinced me to come to Blogger. I'm easy like that. What do you want from me? Any who, this weekend was eventful. Yet another travel adventure with my babe. This time we went to D.C. We stayed at the Sheraton, it was nice. We learned a lot of things like the White House is smaller than thought, you cant sit on Lincoln's lap, babes new found taste of provolone, and the bum didn't shit on the sidewalk. In other news Dr. Montero says my finger is healing nicely. The even nicer news my permanent screws didn't set of the metal detector at the National Aquarium. Could this mean my life won't be full of embarrassing security checks at the airport?? I hope so.