Sunday, December 31, 2006

I smell Heaven again.

I can't stop watching the hanging of Saddam on So barbaric. Ugh. Can everyone remember this time last year? I spent last year on Bell Blvd. with one thing in mind, drinking nothing but Irish Carbombs the whole night. I ended up getting pretty sloshed and carried home, vomiting. It was fabulous. This year I'm planning on a little less wild. Tonight we're going to a party, I don't plan on drinking that much this year and babes is sticking to beer the whole night, it should be fun. It beats paying $80.00 to go to Mo's Caribbean Bar in the city. I like the place, but it's not worth that. I just got back from doing some shopping with Chris, hit up Bath & Body, Gap, and Express. Everyone is having crazy sales. Picked up lotion at B & B. Chris bought some shirts at Express. However I looked in the girls side to buy some things, but it was full of crap except the jeans. All it had were these hideous kimono looking shirts and ugly ass turtlenecks..Gross. I picked up something new to wear tonight at the Gap. Any who, I guess this is the last entry until the new year!! Be safe, don't drink and drive. Hold hands while crossing streets!! Take a moment to think of your life, happiness, change, reinvention etc. etc. HAPPY NEW YEAR!! "At 12am, kiss the one you love. If you can't, then kiss a stranger."