Tuesday, January 2, 2007

House Wife.

My New Years was nice. We basically owned the beer pong table. Our best streak was 6 wins in a row. I was named "Send it in Sue". Eh, what can I say, Matt and I make a great team. Yesterday I was extremely cranky, actually let's be real, I was a bitch. I'm glad I have someone that puts up with my crap, he did everything he could to make me feel better. I love him. We went to Aqueduct yesterday, won 80 dollars on a long shot horse. Then a family party and Jackass 2. The movie was funny and so gross, I had to look away twice. In other news, I get to visit fabulous Dr. Montero after work. New years resolutions: Get my ass back to the gym and better financial planning. Oh so cliche!