Monday, January 22, 2007

I Hate Mr. Cashman!

So A.C. was good, so good infact, we stayed the whole weekend. I want A Sweet Sleeper Bed!! I played the penny slots, I won $174, $97, and $50. After that it was pretty much down hill, well not really..I gave the $174 to babes. After all, he did give me the $10 that won it, plus who knows how much through out the weekend to gamble, and paid for the rooms. Me, the Queen of "Quit While You're Ahead", couldn't even take my own advise though. Lord. A.C. is pretty much in the middle of complete scum. Anyways, it was so hard to get up this morning. Today is a long one. I can't wait till it's over and I can run home to my babes. He puts up with all my crap and still loves me more than ever. I kept looking at him all weekend with nothing going through my head but the thought of "I love him so much.". It makes me so happy to know that through all the crap we've been through and all the detours we've had, the ending was worth it. Human nature, the fear of dying alone is the worst. It's the best feeling in the world to know that he'll be be my side for the rest of my life. I wish I didn't have PT today. I want to go home already. "without love, you have nothing." p.s. It would be pretty amazing if we bought my dads house in TX. It's huge, great to start a family, most of all it's an ideal house for the perfect life.