Thursday, January 25, 2007

Yea, I'm in this business of terror...

What up homosexuals. Today is "hers-day" according to the radio, to's just one day closer to Friday. I'm not particularly in a good mood, thank G that babes does things to make days better for me. Tonight we have an "outing" to one of my favorite places. Be jealous. In other news, today was the first day of real snow fall for me, even though it didn’t stick. I would like to go to the gym right after work again, but I just realized that I left my ipod at home. I know that sounds lame, but I really need my music or else time goes by so slow. Also, without music I catch myself observing the people around me and then I end up judging them. Yesterday my ipod died the last 10 minutes I was there and my eyes started to wander, this one girl I saw riding the bike machine (first of all, who goes to the gym to use the bike?) she must have weighed 300 pounds and all I could think was. How does one get to this capacity? Honestly. Gonna need more than a bike sweety. I know it's not right to think, but those are things that go through my mind. So in conclusion, no gym today. Tomorrow morning I will be visiting Dr. Montero, then working, then PT, then the gym. Talk about a long day. Any who, I gotta run. Ciao.