Sunday, January 28, 2007

Wet 2 Straight

Good Evening. This morning I woke up kinda early, watched 2 episodes of MAD T.V., loved it. It should be a nice Sunday. So this new fingerprint reader Matt bought for the computer is uber cool. The new H.K. wallpaper he put up for me it's pretty sweet. Tomorrow babe's lil bro Dillon and his g/f Steph are going to be on The Today Show. They are doing some fitness thing on it, we're gonna have to record it. Anyways, today we went to the Bronx Zoo, it was fabulous!!! I took a lot of pictures and will upload them to photobucket before the end of the night. (unlike the D.C. pics I never got to). Sooo anywho I'm off to make dinner. Laterz. P.s. Did I mention how great today was?? Today was awesome. Pictures can be seen - HERE.