Saturday, January 27, 2007

I'm Hot, Yer Not.

So, Last night was good. We had a quiet,relaxing night at home. Today was a long ass day. Babes and I woke up and headed to Manhattan at 8am, we were back home by 10am. May I add we had an awesome breakfast. We played some games, I kicked butt the first round. Before we knew it, it was 7 o'clock. We went back to the city and had dinner at Jekyll and Hyde, not the crappy one downtown. Now we are finally home, babes is ass'd out and I just finished my nails. I'm watching the Discovery Health Channel, my favorite. Any who, as soon as my nails dry I'm off to join my babes in bed, I'm pooped. Gnite to the beautiful. "Without love, all of those things are to no avail. They are worthless endeavors, like grasping after the wind; they profit nothing."