Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Contrast Coloring

Today my mom is having surgery, if all goes well she will be released to go home today. I'm going to stop by the house and see how she's doing after work. Hopefully I'll have some time to hit up the gym after that. Last night the gym kicked my ass. Afterwards, I did my hair (with the help of babes). Any who the next couple Fridays should be fun. On the 9th we are going to watch Tommy Rainone fight, one of my cousins best friends. It should be good, he is the former golden gloves champion of amateur boxing, recently turned professional. So far he's 4-0, let's see if he can keep it up. The weekend after I'm even more excited about, we're going to Vermont. Babes and I went 2 years ago with everyone and had a blast(as long as there's no accidents with T.V.'s this time..muah). The house that everyone rented for the weekend was pretty sweet, from what I hear this one is even better. Nothing like Vermont houses, they make you feel like you're on set of an Abercrombie & Fitch photo shoot. I love it. These kinds of things are what I call "eventful". Not being a low life hanging out in bars or clubbing, lame. Don't hate on my eventful life, you can always pretend to be me. mwahaha.