Tuesday, January 16, 2007


I know. I know. It's been a couple days since an update, so I'm here to satisfy your withdrawal. So where did I leave off, oh yes.. slots. Well, babes came out almost $250 dollars more than what he went in with, so it was a good night. Sunday came, had a wonderful 2 hour mandatory meeting (wonderful=sarcastic). Afterwards we had a double date and went to brunch in Brooklyn at a fabulous place called Frankie's. Then football (yes, what a supportive wifey I am.). Monday came and went, nothing really special, then today full of work and the gym. I stopped by my mom's new place on Manhattan Ave, it smells pretty. Found out she's having surgery soon. I worry about her. I love my mom. Finally, I am home. It's poker night so babes is playing with the boys. Me, well I'm catching up on the the O.C. we recorded last week, typing and doing my hair in between it all. Hopefully we'll finish up 24 tonight. Ugly Betty, a golden globe winner!! So American Idol started, I hate that show and always have. The only good part is the pathetic fools trying out. Enough of that, I will talk about the weather now. Brrr. I love it. Okay babes and i just stepped out for a stog, it's too cold. I retract my "I love it" statement. Anyways, I just got really tired all of a sudden, need to rest for work. Work..kinda like something you should most likely be doing. Stop reading now and go back to work!!