Saturday, January 13, 2007

I Hate Slots

So last night we hit up Yonkers. Matt gave me 60 bux and told me to have fun, I went off and did my thing (mind you, I've never played). Oh-My-Lord. Here was how the night went. Valet Parked, forgot my I.D. in the car, had to wait for the guy to bring it back to me. Finally after that whole detour.. I walked in, amazed, I've never seen so many slots in one place. It was so noisy from people and slot music, it looked exciting. Matt told me to go have fun so I found some machines that looked good, sat down... ::pressed button:: yey!! Did I win? NO. okay. again. ::pressed button again:: "did I win?" NO. hrmm. ::pressed button:: win? NO. ::pressed:: win? UUUUGHHHHHHH!!! ::pressed:: FUCKIN SHIT!!! ::pressed:: TIME TO LEAVE I CAN'T TAKE THIS PLACE!!! ....That went on for a little over an hour. So I was talking to someone about slots and they said "hrmm slots. Yea, you either love them or hate them". CJ managed to win 40 dingos. I vow to leave the slots to the blue haired in the future. Slots are gay. Tonight should be better. EDIT: guess where i get to go tonight? yonkers.