Friday, January 19, 2007

Sucks For You.

I've been up since babes left at 6:30am for work. I'm here typing and doing my hair since I didn't do it last night before bed. It was enough that I struggled to stay awake for U.B.. Had to watch it around 12:30am b/c we went to that "hell hole" again. Even though today is Friday, I'm not looking forward to it. Thank G, I don't have P.T. after work to add to it. Up at 6:30am, work 9am to 5pm, gym 5:45pm to 8pm, home after 8:30pm, then possibly Atlantic City. If I'm tired now, how am I gonna survive the rest of the day? I don't know why I am complaining, being tired is being trivial. Being tired is the least of my problems. I recieved more bills from surgery, someone get me a shotgun. Seriously. Enough of being a negative nelly, I do have a lot to be thankful for. I have my health, I have my family, I have things that people wish they had, I have someone who loves me dearly and takes care of me, I have friends that have always been true to me. and I'm also very thankful for THE SNOW ON THE GROUND THIS MORNING!!!!! YEEEYYYYY. EDIT: I'll be in Atlantic City staying at the Sheraton with Babes tonight!! YEY!!! I hope he wins dingo!!