Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Shutty Yer Face Fatty McButterpants.

Good morning all. Thank you for stopping by. Latest on the OC, don’t hold on to the past. Ryan was holding on even after falling for Taylor he just couldn’t let go, and come to find out Marissa didn’t even want his ass in the first place. Summary, let it go. You cant control fate. Good one. In other news, we have Dave's Christmas party at his new apartment tomorrow night. I don’t know what gifts we should get for the secret Santa. I hope it’s festive!! I will be doing crash shopping this weekend. I won’t be going all out this Christmas, but I will be thoughtful. Wish me luck. Tonight Matt and I are going to the movies to see Rocky. Have to support his love for Mr Stallone. "I guess what I'm trying to say is, if I can change, and you can change, everybody can change." lmao. Ghey.