Sunday, December 31, 2006

My finger loves coban.

So it's a Saturday night and I'm home. Baby is in the city with the upstate folks, Lansman's reunion. Though I have been upstate, I haven't met everyone from there. Mom is flying into JFK at 12:41 am and I have to pick her up. Perhaps if I drop her off in time, I can still make it in to the city afterward. We'll see. All that aside, it's the typical Saturday. Last night was so-so. Played some B.Pong in the living room for a little. Dillon and and his g/f Steph came over. Chris and Greg dressed up. CJ hid in his room the whole night. "CHANGING!!!". Any who I must run.. it's 12:30 am and I must leave for the airport now. Let's see if I can make it there in under 10 mins! Ciao! update: it's damn near 4am. I did make it in 10 mins to JFK. Picked up babe in the city. I will never make another trip to 21st and 6th. UGH. And I will never let him leave the house with his Amex. Anyways, now I'm here eating my Special K w/Strawberries, my favorite cereal. Babes, watching Rocky. Almost bed time. I'm pooped. Okay, I'm being yelled at to come to bed. I'm outtie.