Thursday, December 28, 2006

(718) 971-5245

So I watched CNN last night for a little while. They were basically talking about racism in Vidor, TX. The town is close to Jasper where that gay guy was dragged behind a car. All I kept thinking about when they would say certain thing was, Vidor sounds like Plainedge. "Sundown Towns". It's all the same no matter where you go. No matter what state you are in. I don't side with these people. But I have to say, Al Sharpton is a jackass. He's supposed to be a statesman of Black America, that's great and all, but he is a jackass. Let's take ONE of many examples: In 1987, black teenager Tawana Brawley claimed that six white law enforcement officers including then assistant district attorney Steven Pagones, had abducted and raped her, scrawled racial insults on her body and smeared her with feces. Miss Brawley refused to speak with authorities or the media, but Sharpton and her two other advisers were soon making wild claims. Sharpton compared then-state Attorney General Robert Abrams, a Jew, to Adolf Hitler. All three linked then-Gov. Mario Cuomo to organized crime and the Ku Klux Klan. Within a year, a grand jury announced the story was a hoax and specifically cleared a Fishkill police officer and Pagones. Pagones sued Sharpton and the other 2 advisers for more than $150 million for defamation. And people are supposed to listen to this idiot? Did this guy really think he could ever be president? Lord.