Monday, June 30, 2003


tummy right now im at sharons.. just got off werk and went straight to the bank to deposit, they pissed me off soooo bad, i yelled.. loud.. not like a screeching yelling...more like.. your a fucking idiot yell. everything was cleared up an hour later...and guess what? I WAS RIGHT. im not gonna explain. ummm.. sharon and i and sandy and clair are going to roosevely field b4 sandy and clair go back to south starving damnitt. im tired too.last night we went to boulder creek. mmmm. mashed potatoes..need i say more? outside has made me feel gross. i think im gonna get new sunglasses..cause i wanna. what else... oh IM MAD AT MATT, well not mad..thats not the werd.. but its somewhere in that catagory. and i havent seen alloe since last year. dot. im leaving now. peace out.