Monday, June 2, 2003

I'll Own it Tomorrow

okay so yesterday i didnt do anything till about 4 when i decided to take a shower. Laura had no one to go to the Elliot show with her, I decided to go, never heard of elliot before. So we went off to the downtown. I havent been to a show there, there wasnt any shows held there b4 i left for WA. Anywho It was really weird. Here I am excpecting to see all these bands i didnt kno, cause one, i never heard of Elliot, and Laura had told me that they were a really different band, so i expected all the other bands to be ones ive never heard. So opening band, the prizefighter...I knew them, graduated with rob. then the second band ..tripside. Used to chill with george and make ryan sing dmb in his basement. 3rd and forth band i didnt kno. but 1/2 is cool right!? Saw some people didnt expect to see..JT, Mike C, and Dan B...weiiiird. anyways.. the show was actually pretty fuckin awesome. After that we went to the diner. We departed,i had a lot of fun. chris called and wanted to do something.. it late sunday night, what is there? I just went home. and here i am. werking late tonight. early tomorrow, but at least im off the next day. anyways, tonight wont be exciting mostly likely.. but maybe tuesday night. laterz