Wednesday, June 4, 2003

Fuckin Queens

okay so tonight i went to the movies and saw anger managment..finally. its been out for how long right? it was fun. there was no one around after the movie cept some hot guy from montreal. anywho i have to be up mad early tomrrow to go somewhere with chis. hes taking his car to lavi. i kno im gonna be soooo tired, i should crash at his house afterwards and then make him wash my car. oh..ready for story time kids? once upon a time there was a person who couldnt stay away from this other person, even though this person was truley not a nice person to them..only when they wanted to be were they nice,to have what they wanted, but they stay around just because of the infactuation that they have, no matter who it hurt...including themselves? and for what? the history? yeh right. ill just throw ya away when i feel like it, then when im lonley...youll always be there, s ill just keep doin what i do, casue yer weak! ROCKSTAR!!!!!!!! Im on the fuckin floor laughing at you. HAHAHAHAHA! omg. move on. peeeeeeeace out! allie babwa...feelin it?