Friday, June 20, 2003

Leave me alone. Stalker.

this computer is so fucking gay, i just wrote a whole bunch of shit IN DETAIL and LOST THE WHOLE MOTHER FUCKIN SHIT. and now im mad. ill some it up, wrote about a really fucked up convo i had with chris about how he has no friends and all of a sudden wants to chill tonight cause he doesnt want cara to see hes a loser. how im agrrevated with 2 other people.wrote a whoole shit load about one of them might be aggrevated at me.. and wrote about why i cant take it when its like this.... cause who am i to this person and who are they to me anyways? i wrote about how fuckin hillarious sharons father is. alll thissssss stufff.. and its GONE. anyways me and sharon are going out. were are dolled up, but im not saying where were going, cause well.. the stalkers.. u kno. YOU. annnnd i love allie. i dont kno where she is. and i love YOU. but not u. Current Mood: anxious Current Music: WhoDaBoiWitDaIttyBittyRimz?FukIdontCare,CauseIdontEvenSeeEm'