Thursday, June 5, 2003

Sarcasm is Angers Ugly Cousin

okay so yesterday woke up to chris calling me to pick him up in deer park. went out there picked him up, got breakfast, went back to his house and chilled for a long while, watched a movie, went to pep boiz and got shit for our cars. did some other stuff. back to his house, went and dropped him off at his car..sounds good, not as boomy as i thought it would be, but aint my car. went back to pep boiz, supossed to meet back up wih him at his house bu decided to hit up plainjew instead...hey i called him and let him its not fucked up. anyways went to sharons and left mey car there cause mark had to take my new headlights out, cause they SUCK. hes gonna get me good ones. so i gotta return the ones i got. anyways, we headed off to designer image where im gonna get my tints done soon. im so happy mikes gonna give me a deal...thanks to sharon..for doing skanky things for it..TOTALLY KIDDING. anyways we got lost in queen really like more than an hour 1/2. we passed 3 area codes according to the restuarnt signs. and we were on francis lewis for a while...and still lost.. GO FIGURE! anyways. thats all we did..left around 8 and didnt get home till around i dont even kno..after 12 maybe 1? well anyways "he's so cute, i will one day marry him, and we will do lots of baby making, oka not lots of baby making, but do the things people do to make babies ;o)". tah tah!