Friday, June 27, 2003

I Hate Cats

i hate cats they are aweful... today me and sharon are going to do something we were supossed to do yesterday but..umm..plans changed, and its happening today.. then later on we are going somewhere ... not gonna say.. cause i dont feel like telling you. umm what in the middle of doing sucks... once again i hate cats. one day i will drowned them all .. kinda like this girl ingrids grandma did back in the 8th grade, but thats really sick right? riiiight. uh uh uh uh.. yeh... i was gonna hit up this party last night with chris, but decided not to..well because it was at some chicks house that i didnt kno.. and 99% of the time when stuff like that happens.. i always get dirty looks cause im chriss friend... and im a girl... and the assume something is going on btw us.. when in reality.. thats just sick.. come on now. me and sha ran into some kid thats a child molestor from back in the day... it was fun. sharon yelled and scream and said he should be really fuckin happy that she didnt have her knife... i guess that was kinda good for all of us..cause we all kno what happened last time. cough cough* ohhhh the violence. SCORE! ;o/! any who im gonna go. peace out.