Sunday, June 3, 2007

80 Pitches.

Saturday babes and I went to the Museum of Natural History to see the new Mystical Creatures Exhibit. It was not what we thought, but the trip was fun as always. It was so hot and muggy out on Saturday, even wearing a dress didn't help. After that we past the water fountain, the kid that was running though it was hysterical...

I took so many pics that day. Today I went back and did some shopping, the littlest sister's b-day is coming up on the 6th. I bought some things for myself as well. Oh, and the book Matt's been wanting for the past couple months. It was raining so bad, construction screwed up the subway stops so I got off at 14th and decided to cab it instead of transferring or taking the shuttle bus, the smells that come from public transportation at summer time in Manhattan are unbearable!! vomit. Now I am home and about to hop in the shower. I'm so not ready for work tomorrow. I didn't get to do some of the things I needed to do this laundry. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.