Sunday, August 5, 2007

oh, Hello

So its been a very long time. I've been busy and I guess a lot has happened since my last post. Another trip to the Zoo, the 4th of July party, my SK3 getting stolen, 2 of my younger siblings getting their first apartment and my mom moving back to the Bethpage house, the loaner car situation, the dart tournament at the hubs bungalow upstate, going to Ripley's Believe it or Not, the crazy ass rain we had wen everything was flooded and I used my car as a boat..took me 3 hours to get to the office and the whole place had 4 inches of water, Witnessed some kid having a b-day party at the Palisades Mall food court. So Sad. There's probably a lot more but I can't think right now. I've slacked on uploading my pics, but I'll do it all at once sometime in the near future. We saw Transformer's 2 days ago, it was better than I thought it was going to be. Today we went to the Renaissance Festival upstate, I saw a girl my age that had a 5 o'clock shadow, scary. Did I mention that I hate the summer? It was too hot today. Love tan skin and all, but being hot and sweaty ...makes me cranky. When we were upstate last weekend, we were outside all day long too..the tan line I got from that day is ridiculous.a perfect line going across my chest. Any who, next weekend is my cousins wedding, then the weekend after is the annual Beach Bash in the Hampton's where we set up tents on the beach and camp out the whole weekend. Our Eddie Bauer is the biggest tent ever. Then we have the State Fair in Syracuse, then Amy's birthday, then of Matt's friends wedding. Then the week after that is my 25th birthday. 25!! Ewwww! August and September are extremely busy months. I'm sure I missed a few things...anyways, I'm tired. Later.