Monday, February 26, 2007


So the T.V. is up and's the BEST. Anyways, I got some bad news work related today, but whatever is gonna happen is gonna happen..we will see. Maybe it's what I need to light a fire under my ass, I'm good at what I do and I'm way comfortable that's what it's gonna have to take I think. RENO 911 MIAMI it was really the only thing I was looking forward to for the weekend, I couldn't tell you how it was. GEEZ, what a let down. Today I'm gonna see if we have a bigger tank at Mom's old house for Spaz and Henry, fat asses. CIAO losers!!

Friday, February 23, 2007


So total this week I've worked 12 hours. Yesterday babes and I played monopoly and Mario party. I just played a funny joke. I put a razor blade in my mouth then Scott came in and i pulled it out. then asked him if mouth was bleeding (my tongue looked all bloody.) he freaked out. (it was crystal light fruit punch mix). I died. RENO 911 comes out today!!! YeY. I will see that before the weekend is over. I LOVE IT, I own the season box sets. any who, I'm gonna go. Tim comes in today and hopefully he'll make a sweet ass deal on that huge LCD HDTV for me, so babes can go pick up a new cable box. Ciao fuckers.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Momma Said Knock You Out

So VT was an experience. There was so much snow!!! A wise man once said,” Hell is not hot; it is 21 degrees and snowing." Any who the house was huge. There were some laughs, some dancing, ran over sidekick, some starving, some Peach flavored poison, miniature shot glasses, Smokey fire places, smelly hot tubs, friends that scam other friends out of 400 dollars, car pushing, bloody lip, super scary hill, Hershey kiss cherry truffle hot chocolate, strangers, Wrigley and more!! Came back Sunday to a nice evening at home. I will put pics up tonight; it's basically a dance video. Today is my first day back at work in 4 days. Babes and I rearranged and bought new furniture. My favorite, our matching night stands with our awesome lamps. I wish I was home right now. I have 2 appointments today. I have to leave work early. Some how I have to manage buying new work pants in today too.

Friday, February 16, 2007

almost there.

So right now I'm in the car...bored. Left work at 1pm. Babes is driving, we are 40 minutes away. So much traffic because people don't know how to freakin drive. Today must be "lets flip my car and cause traffic day". Anywho I'm thankful traffic is over and I'm thankful that babes drove this time and I'm thankful for this sidekick. I'm gonna go now...yey for not being in ny!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Late V-day

Your hazel green tint eyes watching every move I make. And that feeling of doubt, it's erased. I'll never feel alone again with you by my side. You're the one, and in you I confide. And we have gone through good and bad times. But your unconditional love was always on my mind. You've been there from the start for me. And your loves always been true as can be. I give my heart to you. I give my heart, cause nothing can compare in this world to you.
________ I am speechless about yesterday...I will leave it at that. Take it however you will. Anyways today trying to get my car out of solid mountains of ice was interesting and annoying. I am going to try and leave work early again today, I have to pick babes up in Brooklyn cause his car was just impossible this morning. Tomorrow is friday, you know what that means?? (besides the weekend ofcourse). Hopefully I will be enjoying my time away from here while all you losers are stuck here doing LAME things in SHITTY NY. CIAO!! MUAHZ!!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Awesome Weekend.

So I'm at work doing my work-like things. Friday was awesome. Tommy had his first knockout of his professional career. One minute and 6 seconds into the 2nd round and his opponent wouldn’t even get up off the ground. After the fight we went home and watched the other fights again on ESPN. So he is still undefeated, yey. Pictures of his win can be seen here. Tommy Rainone Pics. It's nice to know that if anyone ever messed with me that Brandon and his friends are always down for a good fight. Like the time that the Bethpage fight broke out and Brandon showed up with Tommy and Ed. Nothing has happened since that I would find "worth it" to accept the offer again. Anyways Saturday was a relaxing day, we hit up Yonkers for about 10 mins only because Babes won 161.00 on penny slots and I took my own advise (unlike Atlantic City) "Quit While You're Ahead". Good advise..cause now we can say.. Sunday was Fabulous, Matt planned the day out wonderfully. We went to the Palisades Mall, watched a 5 year old kick ass in Dance, Dance Revolution and it was amazing, something you would see on YouTube. Babes bought me the hottest shoes ever, the ones that I've been longing for. It was a nice afternoon..minus the "someone stole my car" experience we had going for about 10 minutes..but it's one of those things to remember and laugh about. We got home around dinner time, made Chicken Cordon Bleu for the first time. We watched Blue Collar Comedy on DVD for a little, then went to the movies and saw Norbit. ::snaps finger::(Heeeeeey.) It was funny. Any who Annamaria's wedding is this Friday. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend. I feel really bad about it. So this weekend should be a great continuation of our one SOLID year celebration together. We leave NY on Friday. Oh..the excitement. Like I said before these are what I call "Eventful" days. I love them. And I love my sweetheart for making my days amazing. (Heyyyyyy). "This love is Real, This love is UNTOUCHABLE"

Friday, February 9, 2007

TGIF Mother Effers

Today I left work early, went to the bank, dropped something off to Amy, now I am home. The room is messy, not good kick off to a weekend so I will be cleaning soon. The fight is tonight, I hope it's as fun as I think it will be. We have to pick up my mom on the way there cause she doesn't feel like driving. She's so funny, "You know yer really old when you start lying about your age." Any who I'm out cause the online world is for lonely losers and that's not me today.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Cute? Weird? Hrmm...

anywho... Anna Nicole Smith died today... the whole thing with her and her son..hell, her whole life is really confusing. It hurts my head.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


On really bad days I sit and think to myself, I'm really glad that I'm not some people. Sure everything might not be going the way I want it to, but I'm awesome. People love me. I have a great family. I'm pretty. I'm never lonely. I have a wonderful hubby that takes care of me and I have great boobs. The end.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Ew, Butt Chin!!

So the Superbowl get together was okay. I didn't watch any of it. They guys thought it was a fabulous idea to BBQ INSIDE the house, what an experience. I'm glad Dillon's G/F was there to keep me from complete boredom. While everyone watched the game we filled time with trips to gas stations, painting nails, shopping for fruit, and the best part.. immature gossiping. The house was a complete disaster. There were beer cans and bottles and dirty dishes and food everywhere. It looked like a welfare, take your kids away from you episode of Cops. All we needed was a toddler with a dirty diaper running across the kitchen. Anywho I finally went to MAC after running out of shit months ago. Babes made me dinner last night and cleaned to room, he is the best. I am so angry with my job right now. So angry. I am taking a half day on Friday. My W2 finally came. I will be calling one of my most favorite people, MARIO!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 4, 2007


It's after 4am, babes is sleeping and I am watching Discovery Health as usual. I was bored and decided to re-do m hair at about 3am. Yesterday was moms birthday. I forgot to call her, I am a terrible daughter. I will call her today. I need to go to sleep, we are having a Superbowl Party and people are going to start coming around 12pm...something tells me I will not be rested. Any who, I hope tomorrow goes well!! CIAO!!

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Nice Saturday.

Last night a bunch of people came over and we all hung out till around 2am. Lots of beer pong action. This morning consisted of 2 round trips to Brooklyn, then laziness and sleep. Babes and I took a trip to Toy R Us a little while ago, I wanted a craft set so badly, they had nothing. We ended up getting an interactive game you play on T.V., The Price Is Right to be exact. It shall be fun. Babes bought a Spiderman shower radio. He's in the shower now using it, I think this is the longest I've ever seen him in the shower for. Anywho, I must go now..I got better things to do now. Ta-Ta!!