Monday, February 12, 2007

Awesome Weekend.

So I'm at work doing my work-like things. Friday was awesome. Tommy had his first knockout of his professional career. One minute and 6 seconds into the 2nd round and his opponent wouldn’t even get up off the ground. After the fight we went home and watched the other fights again on ESPN. So he is still undefeated, yey. Pictures of his win can be seen here. Tommy Rainone Pics. It's nice to know that if anyone ever messed with me that Brandon and his friends are always down for a good fight. Like the time that the Bethpage fight broke out and Brandon showed up with Tommy and Ed. Nothing has happened since that I would find "worth it" to accept the offer again. Anyways Saturday was a relaxing day, we hit up Yonkers for about 10 mins only because Babes won 161.00 on penny slots and I took my own advise (unlike Atlantic City) "Quit While You're Ahead". Good advise..cause now we can say.. Sunday was Fabulous, Matt planned the day out wonderfully. We went to the Palisades Mall, watched a 5 year old kick ass in Dance, Dance Revolution and it was amazing, something you would see on YouTube. Babes bought me the hottest shoes ever, the ones that I've been longing for. It was a nice afternoon..minus the "someone stole my car" experience we had going for about 10 minutes..but it's one of those things to remember and laugh about. We got home around dinner time, made Chicken Cordon Bleu for the first time. We watched Blue Collar Comedy on DVD for a little, then went to the movies and saw Norbit. ::snaps finger::(Heeeeeey.) It was funny. Any who Annamaria's wedding is this Friday. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend. I feel really bad about it. So this weekend should be a great continuation of our one SOLID year celebration together. We leave NY on Friday. Oh..the excitement. Like I said before these are what I call "Eventful" days. I love them. And I love my sweetheart for making my days amazing. (Heyyyyyy). "This love is Real, This love is UNTOUCHABLE"