Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Ew, Butt Chin!!

So the Superbowl get together was okay. I didn't watch any of it. They guys thought it was a fabulous idea to BBQ INSIDE the house, what an experience. I'm glad Dillon's G/F was there to keep me from complete boredom. While everyone watched the game we filled time with trips to gas stations, painting nails, shopping for fruit, and the best part.. immature gossiping. The house was a complete disaster. There were beer cans and bottles and dirty dishes and food everywhere. It looked like a welfare, take your kids away from you episode of Cops. All we needed was a toddler with a dirty diaper running across the kitchen. Anywho I finally went to MAC after running out of shit months ago. Babes made me dinner last night and cleaned to room, he is the best. I am so angry with my job right now. So angry. I am taking a half day on Friday. My W2 finally came. I will be calling one of my most favorite people, MARIO!!!!!!!!!