Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Momma Said Knock You Out

So VT was an experience. There was so much snow!!! A wise man once said,” Hell is not hot; it is 21 degrees and snowing." Any who the house was huge. There were some laughs, some dancing, ran over sidekick, some starving, some Peach flavored poison, miniature shot glasses, Smokey fire places, smelly hot tubs, friends that scam other friends out of 400 dollars, car pushing, bloody lip, super scary hill, Hershey kiss cherry truffle hot chocolate, strangers, Wrigley and more!! Came back Sunday to a nice evening at home. I will put pics up tonight; it's basically a dance video. Today is my first day back at work in 4 days. Babes and I rearranged and bought new furniture. My favorite, our matching night stands with our awesome lamps. I wish I was home right now. I have 2 appointments today. I have to leave work early. Some how I have to manage buying new work pants in today too.