Saturday, March 31, 2007

what up loser.

so last night was a sleep filled night. today we went to Dave's and chilled for the BBQ. now its nap time. we are going to The Gin Mill in the city to meet up with all my friends tonight. we all haven't seen each other (well at least at the same time) in forever. hopefully ill ave pics by the end of the night. ciao.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Oh Wow, Nice Hair Idiot.

Last night we had Pizza Sams.. no pizza though. On the house dinner is awesome. After that Watch AI...oh my lord. Start growing your hair. The pony-hawk is apparently IN now. I think they should call that hair style The Sanjaya or as I like to call him Sand-Gyna, short for Sandy Vagina....irritating just like him. Instructions: take sections of your hair and put them into ponytails to form something that RESEMBLES a Mohawk. ....Guy has a little too much sugar in his gas tank.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Yo, Philly!!

So Philly was good, we crammed a lot of things to do in to our schedule. I'm glad we went away. Took some pics, not a lot. They are already posted on the photobucket. I've been good with that lately. We went to Franklin Institute, Liberty Bell, saw the Independence Hall and the Eastern Penitentiary, The famous Art Museum stairs. Any who, before our Philly trip.. Friday I went out to have dinner with my Dad. After that I went home and Babes had some friends come over to play beer pong in the living room. It can be fun sometimes but sometimes it's SUPER GAY. The house smelled like ass when we got home from the mess. Last night we watched Planet Earth..looved it. Anyways, I'm at work and there's things to do so bye.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

DJ Go Fuck Yo-self!!!!

guesss why were packing??? b/c we are going to Philly. Yea PA WHAT UP. peace out. later losers. EDIT: so we made great timing and made it to philly by 3pm. we sang at the top of our lungs the whole way there <3. we checked into our hotel room, took a nap, went to the store..whoa. ate dinner and planned out out day tomorrow. Want to hit up the liberty bell, the science museum, the eastern state prison, the independence hall, the mint..dont know if were gonna get through it's almost 1:30am so i need to sleepies. babes has the air conditioner on and i just got out of the shower so im freeeezing. anywho...i forgot my camera..ugggghhh. I guess i will have to rely on the sk3.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Hey Boobie

Soooo... This weekend was good. took some pics and posted them to my photobucket in a timely fashion which is unusual. Any who There were a lot of laughs this weekend. Saturday St Pattys was good, then we had the family party Sunday which was good.. it's good that my family like babes..cause i think it's really important that families like the people that you are with. My 19 year old sister just got engaged!!! But dad says that Matt's still his favorite future son in law. I'm happy..they are gonna have a guys' hang out date soon. The circus Sunday night was good.. BELLO! We were supposed to go to Tommy's fight this this Friday but it was cancelled. Got my new SK3 and going to buy Matt's new one today since a car ran his other SK3 over in VT..not my fault..okay a little my fault. Blah Blah Blah.... Oh and as for my interview.. it went well... we will see.......

Friday, March 16, 2007

Circus Boy

So this weekend should be fun. Tonight I have some stuff I have to take care of. Tomorrow we have the bar crawl in the city..we're not gonna make it through 35 bars, but hopefully it's fun. Sunday we have my family party of green-ness, then babes and I are taking the children to Ringling Bros at Nassau Coliseum. It's gonna be a packed weekend. Then come Monday I have an interview. We'll see how that goes. I don't want to walk in with high hopes just incase I am let down.

Monday, March 12, 2007


My Slippies gave me blisters. Friday night it was a double date of sorts we went out with Ricky and Nelly, we hit up Strike. That place is super fun. I played a lot of games and Matt won a HUGE My Little Pony stuffed animal for me. They did some bowling, I opted not to play. After all that we all went and had a late dinner. Saturday came, babes and I took another trip to Petco in Union Square. We bought some more things for a HUGE fish tank. I never mentioned that we have a new addition to the family named Sly Sly as of three weeks ago. Sunday came around and we went to The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Classy. I opened drawers from the 1800's that said Do Not Touch, I'm a rebel. It was nice out yesterday, we walked through Central Park. NOTE: every little kid we saw yesterday was a ginger. So I'm supposed to have an interview this week, we'll see. Babes starts school today. All steps for our future. Soon we will be looking for a new place to live. I foresee many new things/changes in 2007.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Can We Say Brrrrrrrrr.

I'm freezing. I'm not looking forward to getting into a freezing car to go to work. Anywho, so they started letting people go. Today it was Rick. So Sad. Anywho I posted pics up from this weekend. We took another trip to E Island. It was fabulous. And finally posted the pics from VT...3 weeks late, but whatev. I gotta get ready for work. PEACE!!

Friday, March 2, 2007

A Beginning to an End

So it been a pretty hectic week, CompUSA stores are closing..well 126 out of 229. We're does that leave me? I don't know. Though I never saw myself working as an Administrator for CompUSA the rest of my life, it's sad to be leaving after perfecting my job. Ranked #1 in the country, and though some may not's an accomplishment I'm proud of. Just the thought that I could go into ANY CUSA store across the U.S. and say I'm better than you is awesome. I keep telling myself that the stores closing is a good thing in some ways, it was probably the only way to kick some motivation in to my ass to move on so I could better myself. I've been here for awhile so severance should be nice, and I'm going to see my accountant next week and he hooks me up. So financially I should be okay for awhile. Hell, that would be enough for 2 months mortgage payment for my dads house, maybe we should just go down there. So we'll see what happens... Good news is dad is in NY again. I went to my grandmother's house for a little last night she made Matt a dinner plate to bring home. He's fallen in love with her meatballs and sauce. Dad says an Italian can never have enough sauce.