Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Hey Boobie

Soooo... This weekend was good. took some pics and posted them to my photobucket in a timely fashion which is unusual. Any who There were a lot of laughs this weekend. Saturday St Pattys was good, then we had the family party Sunday which was good.. it's good that my family like babes..cause i think it's really important that families like the people that you are with. My 19 year old sister just got engaged!!! But dad says that Matt's still his favorite future son in law. I'm happy..they are gonna have a guys' hang out date soon. The circus Sunday night was good.. BELLO! We were supposed to go to Tommy's fight this this Friday but it was cancelled. Got my new SK3 and going to buy Matt's new one today since a car ran his other SK3 over in VT..not my fault..okay a little my fault. Blah Blah Blah.... Oh and as for my interview.. it went well... we will see.......