Saturday, March 24, 2007

DJ Go Fuck Yo-self!!!!

guesss why were packing??? b/c we are going to Philly. Yea PA WHAT UP. peace out. later losers. EDIT: so we made great timing and made it to philly by 3pm. we sang at the top of our lungs the whole way there <3. we checked into our hotel room, took a nap, went to the store..whoa. ate dinner and planned out out day tomorrow. Want to hit up the liberty bell, the science museum, the eastern state prison, the independence hall, the mint..dont know if were gonna get through it's almost 1:30am so i need to sleepies. babes has the air conditioner on and i just got out of the shower so im freeeezing. anywho...i forgot my camera..ugggghhh. I guess i will have to rely on the sk3.