Friday, March 2, 2007

A Beginning to an End

So it been a pretty hectic week, CompUSA stores are closing..well 126 out of 229. We're does that leave me? I don't know. Though I never saw myself working as an Administrator for CompUSA the rest of my life, it's sad to be leaving after perfecting my job. Ranked #1 in the country, and though some may not's an accomplishment I'm proud of. Just the thought that I could go into ANY CUSA store across the U.S. and say I'm better than you is awesome. I keep telling myself that the stores closing is a good thing in some ways, it was probably the only way to kick some motivation in to my ass to move on so I could better myself. I've been here for awhile so severance should be nice, and I'm going to see my accountant next week and he hooks me up. So financially I should be okay for awhile. Hell, that would be enough for 2 months mortgage payment for my dads house, maybe we should just go down there. So we'll see what happens... Good news is dad is in NY again. I went to my grandmother's house for a little last night she made Matt a dinner plate to bring home. He's fallen in love with her meatballs and sauce. Dad says an Italian can never have enough sauce.